
The Retro Style ponies are not actual g1 ponies, but rather ponies produced by basic fun or other companies in the modern day to mimic the retro g1 style. I will just be listing the ponies I have on this page is no real order.

the World's Smallest ponies are a set of incredibly small ponies, all around half an inch tall. They are mostly faithful recreations of the original ponies. I have Minty, who has green hair instead of white, Firefly, who is an earth pony instead of a pegasus, Blue Belle and Cotton Candy. I got them all new.

Right Hoof Red is a Twister themed pony. She is white with rainbow hair, twister spots and symbols for her cutiemark. I was given her in good condition.

This Starshine styling head was an exclusive at 5 Below that I bought new.